
Happy New Year! 🎇🥂🙏🏻 Hope this year will brings out the better in me to be a better me. I’m not one for the new year new me, but rather a new year better me. This past year 2020 has seen me going up left right and then a sharp down towards the last quarter of the year with me experiencing lots of first time down and heartbreak. But I won’t let it overtake me. Yes, I am heavily bruised but bruise will recover, the wound will heal and yes it might leave a scar and fear but I won’t let that overtake my life. I’ll need to take the risk to live a better life a better me risk becoming a super me that I’ll not recognise now but will admire from now. Let do it LOW KHONG HERN. Show yourself what you’re capable of. Don’t have to prove anything to him anymore. It does not matter. He doesn’t matter to you and you don’t matter to him. He doesn’t give a crap so why will you wanna waste more time on him. This past 3.5 months showed his real heart or lack there of for you so it’s time to really let him go. Let go of things that hold you back hold you down bring you down and then you will float. Rise to the top. Up. I love you so please do the right thing for yourself and be good to you!

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